Friday, May 20, 2011

Shelf Article Story

If you could understand the life of a papaya!
One morning when I was basking in the sun on my tree I was rudely interrupted by strange creatures, they cut my off my beautiful tree and put me in this cube of wood with other papayas, what was that all about, then I realized there were more of us in here, but before I could say anything all of a sudden we were thrown around, the next thing I noticed was this terrible buzzing. We had to sit for hours and hours probably more than a day in that crowded cube listening to that buzzing noise and occasionally being thrown back and forth. After another rough bounce we were moved on a different device to another dark and confined space, at least the cube had slits in it, where a loud clang sounded a door closing and off we were this time only for a few hours and thank goodness it was smother or I might have bruised. Finally the side of the cube was torn off and I could see again! Finally it’s about time we got here! Before I could relax we were all dumped into this bin next to a bunch this strange other fruit! At least I was on the top, I wasn’t going to be pessimistic, next thing I know I’m being sprayed with water all over and it was cold, Ahhhh, plskflkjffjlskk, I exclaimed spitting the water out. Yuck it tasted gross. The next thing I knew a little creature came up to me and dug its claws into my perfect ripe skin. Ouch, that kind of hurt! Then it stuffed me into a green plastic bag, and threw me into a metal web on round things that move! Soon I get thrown again and put in another bag too and had a bumpy ride out to another confined space this one was even smaller! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Click! The side of the box closed just as before. Finally after awhile the side clicked again and rose, again I could see precious daylight I felt myself being lifted then removed from the bag and gently placed in a basin. This is more like it, I thought. The next morning the same gentle hand grabbed me and set me down on a hard waxy surface it then rose a shiny metal object above me and slowly brought it down to pierce my skin! Ahhhhhhhhhh! I exclaimed as she brought the knife through my pit.
The End 

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