Friday, May 20, 2011

my poems

Purple Frog
Hip hop purple frog
How did he get like that, well…
How should I know?

Wolf’s Eyes
They tell of his bravery,
His entire life and history,
 I look and see a wolf watching me,
But in his eyes it’s no surprise there is honor and loyalty,
Right there for all to see.

Turtle, turtle swimming by,
Zip, zoom, buzz, there went a fly,
Splash, splosh fish,
Make a wish,
Time to say goodbye,

positive, friendly, curious, helpful
daughter of Mike and Heather Rhoads sister of Christian
lover of peace, nature, hope
who feels excited, content, joyous                                                                                                                                           who fears war, hate, destruction
who accomplished giving love, hope, and peace of mind                                                                                         
who would like to see friends agreeing, the hungry fed, the homeless sheltered, and the strays have a home Belgrade, Serbia                                                                                                                                                                                Rhoads George Washington
George                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Brave, humble, intelligent                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   son of Augustine and Mary Ball Washington                                                                                                                                              lover of Martha Washington, democracy, education                                                                                                                              felt democracy should be the type of government, slavery was wrong, and that all men had equal rights                                fears taxes, death, monarchy/dictatorship for his new country                                                                                                           was a successful general in the revolutionary war, first president of USA, and his face is on the $1 bill                                      wanted to see the end of slavery, his country develop, and the second president lead his country bravely                            United States of America                                                                                                                                               Washington

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