Friday, May 20, 2011

PSA reflection

Reflection on PSAs and ads
Ads and announcements can be harmful and helpful, the harmful ones of course never state that they are harmful like an ad for tobacco products does no say these will increase risk or cancer and the sky diving ad probably does not say in big bold letters that equipment failure is possible but there are also announcements and rather than ads the state reasons why you should use their product instead of another one. These seem to be more commonly the ones good for your health and they use all the benefits of the product like reading a book instead of watching TV. I also have read that different colors and atmosphere can affect your mood; red and yellow make you hungry so they are common in fast food ads and the buildings themselves, the fast food restaurants play quick snappy music so you order and eat fast then leave so they can make a profit with their cheap meals, fancy restaurants play slow soft welcoming music to get you to stay and order appetizer, soup, salad, main course, dessert, and then a drink because you stay longer and spend more money they also have a calm relaxed environment.

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