Friday, May 20, 2011

my PSA

 This message is brought to you by:
Hanna Rhoads
123 ABC Lane, Nowhereland, Mars 12345

Public Service Announcement brought to you by…. Rhoads Production Inc. ©

Why a Good Book Should Replace the Remote Control
The Harmful Effects of Television and Positive Effects of Reading a Book

TV vs. Literature: effects they have on you

-(TV) can cause seizures
-(book) builds vocabulary with less strain on eyes
-(TV) can damage your eyes
-(book) is safe for your eyes as long as you’re in a well lit room
-(TV) hidden images showed more than 20 times in one second can cause you to desire a product
-(book) no hidden messages/images

Who Does This Effect

Mainly YOU
But also….
Your co-workers
Your fellow students reaching out to help you
Your teacher
Your family

What Can YOU Do
-Only watch TV for an hour or less everyday, it will save electricity too
-Instead of grabbing the remote to turn on the TV grab a book!
-If you don’t fell like reading go outside and jog or play a sport or try writing!
-Help younger siblings or just other young children develop healthy reading habits

Where This Applies
-Really all said above is true for all electronic devices with backlights
-Handheld gaming devices

When Can You Take Action
-Every Day
-Before You Pick Up the TV Remote
-When You Open a Book

Why Should You Care
-You should care for the health of your eyes spending more than two hours a day is bad but if you have to for work you then should not be involved in at any other tim
-It’s addictive so if you can avoid it try not to get stuck on it
-Most shows are entertaining but they are a waste of time when you could be working or doing something really important

Why You Should Be Concerned
-It's YOUR eyes and YOUR education remember that and embrace that

-YOU have the power to save your eyes and encourage good grades
-let me ask do want glasses for your sixteenth birthday rather than a possibility of a new car, damaged eyes aren't save to be driving with

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