Thursday, September 1, 2011

Inspirational Poem by TANYA SHARMA

Like the shining stars and glimmering moonlight
turning devilish night into a beautiful sight
optimism inside us can reignite
ashes of hope spreading its flares far and bright

it's like a boat stuck in the sea
believing one day it will be on it's spree
with optimism we can overcome any difficulty merrily
because i know during my fall god is there to carry me

those twittering birds flying around
no shelter and food still they never frown
optimism teaches us that happiness is not a crown
but having the ability to look beyond our imperfections will never keep us down

like the constant flow of a stream
overcoming the hurdles in it's realm
optimistic mind can aid us to redeem
by reminding us "Dare To Dream"

kudos to the man who discovered optimism
it has rescued many from cataclysm
now i believe i can be the reason
to bring someone a happy season!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


1. I hope to write part one of my young authors maybe part 2 each part should be less than 75 pages.
2. I hope to write more poetry.
3. I hope to improve my grammar.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Shelf Article Story

If you could understand the life of a papaya!
One morning when I was basking in the sun on my tree I was rudely interrupted by strange creatures, they cut my off my beautiful tree and put me in this cube of wood with other papayas, what was that all about, then I realized there were more of us in here, but before I could say anything all of a sudden we were thrown around, the next thing I noticed was this terrible buzzing. We had to sit for hours and hours probably more than a day in that crowded cube listening to that buzzing noise and occasionally being thrown back and forth. After another rough bounce we were moved on a different device to another dark and confined space, at least the cube had slits in it, where a loud clang sounded a door closing and off we were this time only for a few hours and thank goodness it was smother or I might have bruised. Finally the side of the cube was torn off and I could see again! Finally it’s about time we got here! Before I could relax we were all dumped into this bin next to a bunch this strange other fruit! At least I was on the top, I wasn’t going to be pessimistic, next thing I know I’m being sprayed with water all over and it was cold, Ahhhh, plskflkjffjlskk, I exclaimed spitting the water out. Yuck it tasted gross. The next thing I knew a little creature came up to me and dug its claws into my perfect ripe skin. Ouch, that kind of hurt! Then it stuffed me into a green plastic bag, and threw me into a metal web on round things that move! Soon I get thrown again and put in another bag too and had a bumpy ride out to another confined space this one was even smaller! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Click! The side of the box closed just as before. Finally after awhile the side clicked again and rose, again I could see precious daylight I felt myself being lifted then removed from the bag and gently placed in a basin. This is more like it, I thought. The next morning the same gentle hand grabbed me and set me down on a hard waxy surface it then rose a shiny metal object above me and slowly brought it down to pierce my skin! Ahhhhhhhhhh! I exclaimed as she brought the knife through my pit.
The End 

Book Report

I did a go animate video and it is longer than 2 min so I can't give a link because it has to be private.

the link to my young authors book

my poems

Purple Frog
Hip hop purple frog
How did he get like that, well…
How should I know?

Wolf’s Eyes
They tell of his bravery,
His entire life and history,
 I look and see a wolf watching me,
But in his eyes it’s no surprise there is honor and loyalty,
Right there for all to see.

Turtle, turtle swimming by,
Zip, zoom, buzz, there went a fly,
Splash, splosh fish,
Make a wish,
Time to say goodbye,

positive, friendly, curious, helpful
daughter of Mike and Heather Rhoads sister of Christian
lover of peace, nature, hope
who feels excited, content, joyous                                                                                                                                           who fears war, hate, destruction
who accomplished giving love, hope, and peace of mind                                                                                         
who would like to see friends agreeing, the hungry fed, the homeless sheltered, and the strays have a home Belgrade, Serbia                                                                                                                                                                                Rhoads George Washington
George                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Brave, humble, intelligent                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   son of Augustine and Mary Ball Washington                                                                                                                                              lover of Martha Washington, democracy, education                                                                                                                              felt democracy should be the type of government, slavery was wrong, and that all men had equal rights                                fears taxes, death, monarchy/dictatorship for his new country                                                                                                           was a successful general in the revolutionary war, first president of USA, and his face is on the $1 bill                                      wanted to see the end of slavery, his country develop, and the second president lead his country bravely                            United States of America                                                                                                                                               Washington

my PSA

 This message is brought to you by:
Hanna Rhoads
123 ABC Lane, Nowhereland, Mars 12345

Public Service Announcement brought to you by…. Rhoads Production Inc. ©

Why a Good Book Should Replace the Remote Control
The Harmful Effects of Television and Positive Effects of Reading a Book

TV vs. Literature: effects they have on you

-(TV) can cause seizures
-(book) builds vocabulary with less strain on eyes
-(TV) can damage your eyes
-(book) is safe for your eyes as long as you’re in a well lit room
-(TV) hidden images showed more than 20 times in one second can cause you to desire a product
-(book) no hidden messages/images

Who Does This Effect

Mainly YOU
But also….
Your co-workers
Your fellow students reaching out to help you
Your teacher
Your family

What Can YOU Do
-Only watch TV for an hour or less everyday, it will save electricity too
-Instead of grabbing the remote to turn on the TV grab a book!
-If you don’t fell like reading go outside and jog or play a sport or try writing!
-Help younger siblings or just other young children develop healthy reading habits

Where This Applies
-Really all said above is true for all electronic devices with backlights
-Handheld gaming devices

When Can You Take Action
-Every Day
-Before You Pick Up the TV Remote
-When You Open a Book

Why Should You Care
-You should care for the health of your eyes spending more than two hours a day is bad but if you have to for work you then should not be involved in at any other tim
-It’s addictive so if you can avoid it try not to get stuck on it
-Most shows are entertaining but they are a waste of time when you could be working or doing something really important

Why You Should Be Concerned
-It's YOUR eyes and YOUR education remember that and embrace that

-YOU have the power to save your eyes and encourage good grades
-let me ask do want glasses for your sixteenth birthday rather than a possibility of a new car, damaged eyes aren't save to be driving with